Is the cry of the wolf a mournful farewell? Or does it announce his return. Will we grant him a place to live? And in turn give ourselves something more valuable? We all must work together to ensure that the songs of the wolves will always be heard in all the wild places of our earth. ~*~The Grey Wolf, also known as the Timber Wolf~*~  Imagine the snow falling silently in the great woodlands of North America. The only sounds are from the trees creaking and tossing in the wind. Suddenly the quiet is broken by the eerie howling of a wolf. And all the frightening stories and legends that you've heard about the trecherous and sly wolf, not to mention the evil werewolf, all this and more begins to race through your mind. But, what is this animal of our imaginations truly like? Are wolves savage and destructive hunters of people and livestock? Or are they one of life's most misunderstood creatures? It is possible that people don't like wolves because they don't know very much about them. For example, there is no record of a healthy wolf ever trying to kill a human in North America. Perhaps by learning about the wolf and how it lives in the natural world, we can begin to tell the difference between the real animal and the fables we've created. the world of the mysterious Grey Wolf |